Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Public Service Announcement

We interrupt this blog of happiness for the following announcement:

There are no kinky stories and/or pictures of feet, toenails, red toenails, or any type of foot/toe combination, painted or otherwise, on this blog. I am sorry to disappoint whoever y'all are in Oklahoma and Kansas and even Philadelphia (I am shocked by you) who have reached this site in search of such forbidden delights.


Carry on.

Monday, April 03, 2006


Most people think of procrastination as a negative. It is synonymous with laziness, carelessness, sloth. It is viewed as something to be overcome, a bad habit to break, a thorn in the side of productivity. There are entire counseling centers devoted to the subject.

I personally love it.

I get some of my best work done while I am procrastinating. If I am not in the mood to write a paper for school, I might write an entry for the entertainment news column instead. Laundry? Bah! There is grocery shopping to be done! (I love grocery shopping; it is a sick addiction. Maybe that’s another entry.) Clean the kitchen? Actually, there is a piece of classic literature I have been meaning to sink into, and what better time than now to further my understanding of classic prose? It’s necessary as a professional writer, you know.

One day I redecorated my entire bedroom, including painting 4 original pieces of artwork myself, while putting off balancing my checkbook. The irony, of course, is that this involved spending money from that very checking account.

The best procrastination is the kind that gets you to do something you previously procrastinated about. For example, yesterday instead of writing a thesis on sales management strategies, I pulled out all of my old clothes I had set aside and finally photographed them so I could list them on eBay. I had put off that project for about 6 months. It was completed because I didn’t feel like doing something else.

That paper will not write itself, though, so tonight I will have to dig into it. After I tan. And check my email. And make dinner. And look for writing gigs on Craig’s List. And Anderson Cooper 360 is on straight through to 9:00…